Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Like most people, there are a lot of things that bother me. And like most people, I'm too well-mannered to say anything about them.


I'm not actually an angry person, but I've decided to post irrational rants about whatever I feel like here from time to time. I'm not trying to vent anger, or make other people upset, but rather just channel my inner curmudgeon. I may even drink a little prune juice to make me angrier and give my posts a little more edge.

Blogging with a fist, that's what I say.

Today's rant: MISUSE OF THE SHARE FEATURE ON GOOGLE READER. This is a problem, people. Sharing articles you think are interesting is okay. Sharing every article on a blog for weeks? Not acceptable. There's a reason I'm not already reading the blog regularly. Don't change that decision without my consent.

But couldn't I just block egregious offenders, you ask? Absolutely! I know lots of people that have already lost their sharing privileges with me. I'm sure many more will lose those privileges in the future until the only articles I'm reading are the ones I picked for myself. (Hey, that's not such a bad idea, actually.) I'm just angry that not everyone already conforms to my personal style and I'm going to yell here in my corner of the internet until everyone falls in line with me. (Slight pause for a prune juice break.)

There, doesn't everyone feel better? Tune in tomorrow for more things that make me angry!


  1. I fixed this problem by having my reader be a different email then my chat email.

  2. Rant on my brother. This is why God invented blogs--for people to rant in them.
